To place an order, go to How to Buy. Our Monthly Meat CSA contains a selection of the best cuts from our farm, every month.
We raise meat animals outdoors on pasture and in the woods on our family farm in Western Oregon. We regularly move our animals to fresh pasture so they can forage in fresh vegetation. Our animal partners are helping us improve soil fertility on the farm. We feed our pigs and chickens a locally-sourced, non-GMO feed mix made mostly of local Oregon-grown grains. Our sheep eat grass and hay. We only sell our meat directly to our customers, never to restaurants or retail stores, and we do not ship meat out of state.
We practice rotational grazing and try to raise our animals as naturally as possible. Doing so provides them a richer and healthier life. We believe this results in better-tasting and healthier meat products. And we think our regenerative agriculture practices preserve the local ecology while adding nutrients to the soil. Our chickens and sheep fertilize the pasture while our pigs reduce fire danger by clearing out brush in the edges of the woods and fields.
To learn more About Us click the link. To find out how to place an order click here.
We encourage everyone to buy as much of your food as you can directly from farmers you know. Smaller scale, local family farmers who know you personally are going to take more care of the food they produce for you than large corporate farms with absentee ownership, even if the soulless corporation has the best of intentions. Farmers from your own local community are also more likely to follow ecologically regenerative farming practices: we live here too, after all. We think that the farmer you know who will let you look at how he or she grows your food is far more worthy of your trust than any large corporate farm, no matter how many expensive “certifications” they boast. If you aren’t local to our farm, we encourage you to look for a farmer near you. You can search for local, pasture-based farms on websites such as Oregon Pasture Network, LocalHarvest, and
You’re welcome to schedule a visit to come out to the farm and see how we raise our farm animals. For safety and biosecurity, we can’t always let you get close to the animals, but you can look as much as you like. Because we also live here, we just ask that you Contact Us to make an appointment first. Our farm is more seasonal than many people expect, so what we can show you will depend on the time of year.
To find out the ways to buy our natural pasture-raised meat, go to How to Buy.
Go here for information on our grass-fed lamb.
Go here for information on our pasture-raised, forest-foraging heritage pigs.
Go here for information on our free ranging chickens and ducks.