How it works

We have lamb shares available for order all year, but most of our processing/pickup dates are from approximately October through February.

We raise sheep specifically bred for meat, which thrive in our local climate. They shed their wool naturally each year without shearing.

Our price for whole lamb shares is $9.00 per pound of hanging weight with our growing families discount of ten percent for expectant parents or parents of minor children. $10.00 per pound at full price. We have had to increase our price due to increased costs and predation. If you had already ordered a lamb from us under a different price, we will of course honor that earlier pricing. We have always not had enough lamb to fill all the orders on our waiting list, but we are still working on bringing the cost down.

Our lambs tend to be on the small side. Some people are used to lambs fattened on grain or other foods, which reach 60 pounds or more in hanging weight. Our entirely grass-fed lambs tend to be smaller. We’re told, anecdotally, that they are also less fatty, but we don’t know because we don’t eat other lamb.

Weights vary, but we expect hanging weights (this is the weight of the edible parts at the butcher) for each lamb of around 40 pounds. This normally yields about 30 pounds of meat, though that depends on how you ask the butcher to cut it. You can keep everything, though there will be some loss of weight due to moisture loss. You will pick up your lamb meat from a local Oregon butcher when it’s ready (about a month from processing) and you pay the butcher to cut the meat to your specifications. Butcher costs on a whole lamb depend on the weight, and for our lambs the cost is normally around $75-$100.

Our lambs are born outdoors on pasture in the spring. We keep them with the ewes for several months (late weaning), we do not dock tails as there is no need with our kind of sheep. We don’t use chemicals or medications on the the flock or the field, though we will care for a sick or injured sheep as best we can, including using medications (something that happens rarely, every few years.)

Our sheep are a shedding polled Wiltshire breed and we have crossed in some Katahdin genetics. This means that our sheep do not require shearing. This can make them look a bit goofy at times, but the sheep are fine. We do not produce wool because there is no general market for American-made wool and to produce for the specialty market we would not be able to keep our sheep outdoors in natural pasture all year.

Please note: we sell full grown lambs, approaching maturity. We do not sell or process “spring” or “baby” lambs. The baby lambs get to run and play in the grass. We do not sell half lamb shares.

To reserve your order fill out the form at the bottom of this page or send us an email.

Estimated total cost for a whole lamb share

For a hanging weight of 40 pounds at a price of $9.00 per pound, you would pay us $360 for a whole lamb. Assuming butcher costs of $75 the total cost to you is $435. You might decide to get a mix of boneless and bone-in cuts yielding 33 pounds and you can also choose to keep the organ meats (there are many excellent recipes for cooking these) as well as bones for making soup stock. This works out to about $10.88 per pound, or a little over $13 per pound if you only keep the meat.


There is a $75 deposit to reserve a lamb share.

Fill out the form below to reserve your lamb share